NIAC Meeting - February 2006

The next meeting of the NeXus International Advisory Committee will be held at the Institut Laue Langevin in Grenoble, France. The meeting will be held from February 1 to 3, 2006, preceded by an informal workshop to prepare agenda items on January 30-31, 2006.

Accommodation will be at the ILL/ESRF guest-house (approx 28 Euros per night bed+breakfast) and a contribution towards meals of about 130 Euros per person (3 lunches, 2 dinners, coffee etc.), based on 20 participants.

If you wish to attend, please contact Ron Ghosh as soon as possible.

Proposed Agenda

Please add suggestions for agenda items here in bullet form. If you want to add extended comments concerning any agenda item, please use this Wiki page’s Talk Page.

General Information

Arriving at the site



General information

CIBB->Carl-Ivar Braenden Building is adjacent to the roundabout before reaching the ESRF main building. Our main meeting room is here on the second floor.

Meeting rooms are also foreseen in the ESRF annexe close to the CIBB building.

ILL4->The ILL main building (most offices/meeting rooms to be used are on 1st floor above ground floor)

Ron Ghosh       office ILL4-117 tel. 7178
Marie-Rose Guillermet   office ILL4-114 tel. 7226
                +33-4 76 20 72 26
            FAX +33-4 76 20 76 48

Meeting layout

The format of the last meeting at Santa Fe was very productive, and so similar break-out group meeting rooms are envisaged at this meeting. Such groups might be

technical programming the api

’'’instruments-1 3-axis/reflection/SAS/polarised/muons ‘’’

instruments-2 TOF inelastic/TOF Powder diffraction

Synchrotron_Group (Andy Götz)

It will be possible, too, to find additional space if other specific interest groups wish to meet separately.

We should designate a publication sub-committee to write a report for Synchrotron Radiation News and Neutron News

The problem of regular finance of NIAC activities has been posed to the ILL directors, and one is invited to the opening of the meeting.

NIAC Meeting Provisional Timetable

pre-meeting 31st January

1st February

2nd February

        remainder - site visits

3rd February

NeXus Presentation

Working Groups