Tuesday, 28th July, 8am PST, (5pm CEST, 4pm BST, 11am NY, 10am IL+TN)
Hangout Link: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g2e2ayoq57srpi2g4zv2c2ewbua
STFC had a network outage coinciding with this meeting, making this wiki and the NeXus mailing lists inaccessible. So joining was complicated. Most items deferred to the next meeting.
Present: EW, MK, TSR, Aaron Brewster, Filipe Maia
NAPI: Eugen has made progress on the CMake build of the library and is working on the tests.
CXI File Format: Filipe is not opposed to the idea of creating an application definition of the NeXus compliant variant (with attributes) of his file coherent imaging file format. Should go into the contributed area first. Filipe also agreed to join the next telco.
Virtual Dataset: Filipe would like to see an HDF5 API that provides different predefined views of the data volume, for example as image and as a whole. If that in turn was picked up by MATLAB or other products, analysis code developers could just read image by image without having to worry about hyperslabs. In principle that might be possible with virtual datasets. Eugen to ask HDF group. No consensus whether that was a priority or effort should be directed at training users.
Aaron had another item on virtual dataset, but his audio was not working. Due to the initial delays we deferred the discussion to the next meeting, which is again slotted to allow US East coast participation. If that works for the rest of the US we might stick to that.
Next meeting: Telco 20150811