Wednesday, 20th January, 14:00 UTC
The committee welcomed BC, who gave a brief overview of NeXus usage at LANL. Their current system is linux based and using an old version of NAPI to write HDF4. There are plans to update this at a future time.
PJ had been working with HG on the generation of html anchors and references to link to an ontology, see persistent identifiers (PIDs). They have also been talking to the ExPaNDS project about how this might be used. PJ demonstrated how a table of anchors was now generated and displayed at the end of each class, there is not currently a table showing all of these in one place, but it could be added. HG suggested that references could be used in packages such as iCAT. HB would love to see a keyword and context document, mapping CIF to NeXus terms, that made use of these links. HG commented that terms would need an associated PID to maintain a unique context and not fix usage to any particular class link. It was agreed that the current work was complete enough to be merged, but PIDs would be looked at next - maybe some could be created, registered, and linked to anchors. Using ePICs was suggested, see also here. RO suggested that this may be something that could be linked with the Research Data Alliance.
The upcoming code camp was discussed next. Best dates from the Doodle poll look to be 22 March or sometime April, we will discuss next meeting after dates for a few other potentialy clashing events will be known then. Last time this event was held a rolling set of VCs was arranged. FA suggested that we may be able to use Guest accounts on the STFC Microsoft Teams instance, he is investigating this for another meeting and will report back. The problem with just ZOOM is that chats are not persistent. Other options could be:
It was agreed that PJ should now proceed with the change from master
to main
as the default git branch on our repositories
FA to report back on using MS Teams for code camp
End of February - Doodle poll