Wednesday, 5th May, 13:00 UTC
The previous TC has been combined with a closeout session of the code camp. BW thanked people for their work and the code camp and in tidying up tickets subsequently.
The main topic for the meeting was to discuss the proposed NeXus ontology. HG had invited SC (Steve Collins, Diamond Light Source) to present some of what they had been working on. The ontology work has been done as part of ExPaNDS task 3.2 to “develop EU photon and neutron ontologies” It aims to standardise metadata in metadata catalogues to use common semantics and also to link to similar or equivalent items in other vocabularies where possible. SC presented a summary of the ideas involved and demonstrated an ontology browser and the python code used to generate the ontology from the NXDL files and markers that had been added to them (the python uses the owlready2 package). It was proposed to host the generating scripts and output ontologies in the nexus github repository. PJ suggested a separate ontology repository, and that the ontology should be tied to an NXDL release (in the owl:versioninfo field).
All present agreed that hosting the files on github doesn’t require a NIAC vote, but the use of the NeXus name in a PURL should go to a NIAC vote. Once the files are properly set up in the new NeXusOntology github repo then we will have something more concrete to base a vote on.
HG, PJ: Use the new NeXusOntology github repo to build a full demonstration of the NeXus ontology project. PC: Investigate ways to define coordinate systems.
Aim for the beginning of June - poll