Telco 20220602
Thursday, 2nd June, 14:00 UTC
- Welcome guests and new members
- Review previous meeting minutes and actions: April Telco
- Discuss format of Code Camp
- Recent issues on Github (especially those labelled with “telco”)
- BW apologises for last week and in future will turn off the setting that requires attendees be admitted by the host in order to avoid repeting the issue.
- BW points again to
- BW asks about CC format, especially how often tele-meetings should be scheduled. PJ likes the 2 hour blocks we used previously.
- BW calls vote to make telcos an hour later: All agree.
- Web page is running again after having some configuration issues that were discovered yesterday.
- HB has philosophical issue. MX field has changed considerably recently and models are often available before MX experiments.
- BW doesn’t see why that should be an issue. The concern that some people have is being able to archive data and so it is only adding things to files at later times that is the issue, not adding info that is present from the beginning.
- AB asks if this would be an update to NXmx - HB says yes.
- BW says that nano-magnetism experiments are also often simulated before the experiment is run.
- PJ fed our “writer” example from the manual into the web cnxvalidate and it came up with two errors:
- does not have a valid app def
- HDF version attribute is required but not present
- Why are these errors and not warnings? Unanimous agreement that this a bug in cnxvalidate. This could be examined in the code camp.
- BW points out that the HDF version doesn’t make sense in XML files.
- HB says that the HDF version is definitely useful since it cannot always be queried from the file. H5check is the utility that would give the best indication of the HDF version.
- BW will make a poll for the next telco with dates in the first half of July.