Wednesday, 24th May, 15:00 UTC
SB, AB, RB, CZ, HB, PC, BB, PM, BW, Paulo Mausbach
Codecamp Agreed period: June 15-16 & 20-21, 2023 Info: Code Camp June 2023
Next NIAC 2024 with NOBUGS at ESRF
AB: bit_depth of image as metadat to be added
HB: proposal in 2012 for adding all datatype info as metadata (not only as hdf property)
PM: what to do if duplicated info (NeXus metadata vs. hdf metadata) has mismatch?
AB: raise error
BW: it was not a problem for long time, so if problem does not come, we could just use the system as it is now.
NeXus as container agnostic solution, we could add.
SB: let introduce it to the base class NXdetector
AB: let us vote for it in June
SB: if data type needs to be registered (signed, unsigned, big/little endin, 8/16/32/… bit etc.), also multi dimensional slow/fast axes needs to be specified. Do we suggest it for any Field, Attribute?
AB: here we focus on NXdetector, where a single new property would be just enough for now.
SB: electron beam?
PM: electron gun
HB: kathode-ray tube
BW: Electron Microscope should be just fine
AB: SB is in charge to call for a meeting of the EM community before the CC in June.
Paulo: how can NXmx have SOURCE inside ENTRY if it NXentry does not allow if, but only INSTRUMENT which on the other hand does allow SOURCE
SB: base classes only define optional elements, but Application definitions can extend them
HB: structure shall not code information, but rather any information shall be on the same level.
AB: actually soft-linking solves this problem. The same information can be referenced by both ENTRY/SOURCE and ENTRY/INSTRUMENT/SOURCE.
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