Wednesday, 27th Nov, 15:00 UTC
follow up on the NIAC meeting in Sept:
SB, LG, FS, BW, BB, CP, CZ, ZM, PM, HB, RB + Lukas (FAIRmat)
BW: new logo alternatives: small logo with and without gray bars
PC: it is cleaner without bars.
PM: seconded and suggested to use all 4 versions together as official set.
we all agreed with no objections
PM: what about differebt resolutions?
BW: it is in svg, but we can generate set of resolutions, too, but let us keep svg as the official.
PM: shall we need to make an accessibility check on the colors?
BW: it shall be already OK, but can be further checked.
RB: wiki migration is in progress
PC: will the docs and wiki be hosted on the same domain?
RB: machinary is now the same for wiki and doc generation
PC: also docs for multiple version will be supported
preparation of NXmpes definition family for vote
See the discussions and conclusions in issue 1464