Monday, 27th Jan, 15:00 UTC
SB, AB, HB, PC, BW, LG, WdN, PM, RO + LukasP, MarkusK (FAIRmat)
votes to start on: 1521, 1528, 1408, 1507, 1525, 1519, 1413
1396 - NXdata
SB: left comments
1521 - Open Enumeration
AB: ready for vote
1528 - NXpid
SB: BW made suggestions for improvments
AB: ready for vote
1408 - NXbeam
AB: NXcomponent is separated, ready for vote
1525 - NXcomponent
AB: NXbeam - Is not it a component?
SB/PC: It is a characterisation at a certain location.
Majority of Telco participants agreed to consider it not be be a component for now.
AB: How to handle documentation if it is inhertied? Is it good not to render inherited information?
HB: No, it is better to provide a flat and complete documentation
SB: Agree, and it can be done as a separate task, but NeXus documentation building does not do that now.
PM: javadoc mentiones all inherited, but details only new things
BW: same with python docs in general
AB: let us make a new task for implementing this extended rendering of documentation.
AB: NXcircuit, shall be removed from here.
RO: NXobject PR#1507 is also bringing new items as inherited ones to these classes. Hence, those could be omitted, too. These 2 PRs chould go hand in hand.
AB: Let us add MinOccurs=0 to specify expicitly the optionality.
AB: let us vote on it.
1507 - NXobject
AB: after the fixes, it can go for voting
1519 - NXlens_em
AB: changes are required according to new NXcomponent
MK: only NXxraylens exists. We can either make a new common super class and inherit from that one, or make new concepts.
BW: not much of overlap between different types.
PC: copyright dates needs to be fixed.
AB: ‘value’ is not too specific, we could use lens_excitation
BW: ‘power_setting’ is better.
MK: It is fine.
AB: Let us then implement it, and vote for it.
1410 - @target in NXdata
RO: This is supported as described by LinkType
SB: If this can be used for any FieldType, it shall be just made clear in documentation.
HB: hdf5 allows new constructs, but nexus definitions must be clear
PC: ‘target’ is also used at Diamond to specify where data is coming from.
AB: Problem is registered in the PR. NIAC shall resolved.
1419 - NXinstrument
LP: Already approved in Grenoble, it is just updated to follow the other approved changes.
AB: It is reviewed already. After a final read (by PC), it could be merged.
1413 - NXsample and sample_component
AB: ‘physical_form’ could be an enumeration.
LP: open enumeration can be a solution when it will be available.
PM: there are some plans at HZB for sample description which could be also checked out.
AB: update to align with the new form of NXcomponent. After that it can also be moved to a vote.
Please help to choose the date by responding to the poll by Jan 26. We are planning to hold the telco in the regular slot of UTC 15:00. Check your local time to avoid scheduling surprises!