NIAC Meeting - February 2006
The next meeting of the NeXus International Advisory
Committee will be held at the Institut Laue
Langevin in Grenoble, France. The meeting will be
held from February 1 to 3, 2006, preceded by an informal workshop to
prepare agenda items on January 30-31, 2006.
Accommodation will be at the ILL/ESRF guest-house (approx 28 Euros per
night bed+breakfast) and a contribution towards meals of about 130 Euros
per person (3 lunches, 2 dinners, coffee etc.), based on 20
If you wish to attend, please contact Ron Ghosh
as soon as possible.
Proposed Agenda
Please add suggestions for agenda items here in bullet
form. If you want to add extended
comments concerning any agenda item, please use this Wiki page’s Talk
- Welcome and Introduction
- Review of NIAC’2005 minutes
- Renew members
- Add additional member - Pete Jemian Advanced Photon Source, USA
- Elect chair and executive
secretary - effective at the end
of the meeting
- Amend constitution to state that all officers, including technical
chair, are elected at each meeting, effective at the end of the
- Discuss and vote on TOF raw file definition
Arriving at the site
General information
CIBB->Carl-Ivar Braenden Building is adjacent to the roundabout
before reaching the ESRF main building. Our main meeting room is here on
the second floor.
Meeting rooms are also foreseen in the ESRF annexe close to the CIBB
ILL4->The ILL main building (most offices/meeting rooms to be used
are on 1st floor above ground floor)
Ron Ghosh office ILL4-117 tel. 7178
Marie-Rose Guillermet office ILL4-114 tel. 7226
+33-4 76 20 72 26
FAX +33-4 76 20 76 48
Meeting layout
The format of the last meeting at Santa Fe was very productive, and so
similar break-out group meeting rooms are envisaged at this meeting.
Such groups might be
technical programming the api
’'’instruments-1 3-axis/reflection/SAS/polarised/muons
- (step-scanning/multi-detector/X-ray/neutron)
- examples…
- update definitions
- prototype treated data
instruments-2 TOF inelastic/TOF Powder diffraction
- (Principally multi-detector neutron instruments)
- experts from completed instruments offer feedback to the remainder
- example data
- update definitions
- prototype treated data 1D,2D data
- rebinning, constant (Q,w)
Synchrotron_Group (Andy Götz)
- this group will meet separately on the second and third days, and
may be expected to offer objective feedback and criticism on the
NeXus project from their fresh point of view.
It will be possible, too, to find additional space if other specific
interest groups wish to meet separately.
We should designate a publication sub-committee to write a report for
Synchrotron Radiation News and Neutron News
The problem of regular finance of NIAC activities has been posed to the
ILL directors, and one is invited to the opening of the meeting.
pre-meeting 31st January
- 0900 onwards ILL4-117 (R. Ghosh)
- 1100 onwards ILL4-158
- 1400 Planning of discussions (subjects, leaders)
- 1430 Pre-discussions (detector configurations, scanning)
- 1530 Coffee
- 1600 Break out into groups
1st February
- 0840 Registration, payment
- 0900 Initial welcome formalities in the CIBB conference room (214)
- 0910 Greeting from one of the directors of the ILL
- 0915 Brief self-presentation of participants and their activities
- 0930 Basic committee business, adoption of new members etc.
- 0945 Overview of aims of public presentation on 2nd Feb.
- 1000 Review of current NeXus design (Ray Osborn)
- 1030 Review of current NeXus API (Mark Koennecke)
- 1045 Coffee
- 1100 Discussion of online documentation
- 1115 Generic scanning discussion
- 1300 Lunch - ILL/ESRF joint restaurant
- 1400 Review of HDF (Elena Pourmal; ESRF3-1-114)
- 1430 Establishment of working groups
- 1445 Break out into working groups (CIBB/ILL4-127/ESRF3-1-114/5)
- 1600 Coffee (CIBB 214)
- 1615 Generic detector discussion
- 1645 Break out into working groups (see below)
- 1930 Dinner - buffet at Guesthouse
2nd February
- 0900 Introduction to using UML’s and schemas to optimize code
production (Darren Kelly)
- 0930 Break out into working groups
- 1045 Coffee CIBB-214
- 1100 Break out into working groups (see below)
- 1215 Reconvent in CIBB-214 for review
- 1300 Lunch - ILL/ESRF joint resturant
- 1400 Speakers convene to review presentation
remainder - site visits
- 1500 Reconvene in CIBB-214 for review
- 1545 Refreshments on the Mezzanine of the ESRF main building
- 1600 Presentation to ESRF/ILL scientists and engineers (see below)
in the main Auditorium of the ESRF
- 1715 Apperitif for all at presentation, Mezzanine, ESRF
- 1930 Dinner in Grenoble
3rd February
- 0900 Plenary review of working group progress (CIBB 214)
- 0915 Discussion of TOFraw proposal (Peter Peterson)
- 0945 Break out into working groups (see below)
- 1045 coffee (CIBB 214)
- 1300 Lunch ILL/ESRF joint restaurant
- 1400 Report from working groups and votes on resulting definitions
(CIBB 214)
- 1500 Discussion of meeting reports and any other business
- 1600 close
NeXus Presentation
- “Welcome” - Ray Osborn (5 minutes)
- “Introduction to NeXus design” - Przemek Klosowski (15 minutes)
- “The potential for NeXus at synchrotron sources” - Andy Götz (10
- “The muon community” - Steve Cottrell (5-10 mins)
- “HDF software and utilities a sound and evolving foundation for
NeXus” - Elena Pourmal (10 minutes)
- “Demonstration” - Ray Osborn (10-15 minutes)
- “Where we are today (and tomorrow) with this must-have solution” -
Darren Kelly (10 minutes)
Working Groups