
NIAC meeting - October 2008

The next meeting of the NeXus International Advisory Committee will be held at Rydges Cronulla Beach Hotel in Sydney Australia on October 30-31, 2008. This is a satellite meeting of the NOBUGS 2008 conference.

Conference Fee

There will be a conference fee of AUS$130 to pay for food and the venue.

List of Attendees

If you are interested in attending (and not already on the list of attendees), contact Nick Hauser.

Proposed Agenda

Thursday, October 30

09:00 Meeting commences

General Business



Discussion of technology for describing base classes and instrument definitions

Other items

18:00 Adjourn for dinner

Friday, October 31

09:00 Meeting commences

18:00 Meeting adjourns

Discussion Items

Instrument definitions

XML schema definitions

Reduced data storage

Tech Group Breakout

Documentation breakout