
Since the NOBUGS 2020 conference has been postponed and continuing COVID-19 issues, the 2020 NIAC will be held as a series of teleconferences on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th October (just prior to the orginal NOBUGS2020 dates). A NeXus code camp will also be held as an online event on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th October, the week after NIAC 2020. A final short NIAC session is planned for October 20th in order to deal with new issues discovered during the code camp. Precise details will be discussed at the NeXus teleconferences and published here before October 1st.

Voting on changes to the NeXus standard is reserved for committee members, but any interested parties are welcome to observe and stimulate discussions. Topics for the NIAC meeting should be registered as issues in the NIAC repository on GitHub.


Registration for the NIAC and code camp is probably not going to be required, but we might set up some way to indicate intended attendence in order to improve organisation.

Video Conference details

We will be using Zoom (Please mute microphone when not speaking), you can test your connection prior to a meeting

It is possible to join sessions by telephone - please email Freddie Akeroyd if you wish to do this and I will send you a link to the phone numbers

Zoom links for each sessions will be posted on the sessions spreadsheet below.


Sessions Spreadsheet

Agenda on Github


Initial Sessions, Concluding Session


Proposal Associated Details Final Decision
NXmx Approval Documentation Accepted
@creator_version pull/790 Accepted
Inconsistent field naming pull/809 Accepted
Reservation of name prefixes pull/808 Accepted
Reserve some prefixes pull/808 Accepted
Allow prefixes to be added by email voting - Accepted
Elect new: Chair Benjamin Watts Accepted
Elect new: Secretary Freddie Akeroyd Accepted
Elect new: Definition Release Manager Peter Chang Accepted
Elect new: Technical Release Manager Stuart Campbell Accepted
Clarify naming convention pull/671 Accepted
Encourage tech demo of PIDs for NeXus terminology - Accepted
Update constitution to better express voting rules approved at NIAC2018 pull/8 Accepted
Relax restrictions on links - Accepted
Allow UUID attributes,
entry_identifier_uuid field and
reserve prefix for the BlueSky project
- Accepted