This section records NIAC decisions on the topic of NeXus documentation, WWW-site and such.
NIAC 2003: Until an appropriate format can be determined, instrument definitions and base classes will be stored in metaDTD format.
NIAC 2004: Decision to use NeXus meta-DTD instead of XML schema for base classes and instrument definitions
NIAC 2005: The documenation will consist of five documents: 1. Technical Reference - describes the metaDTD, base classes and definitions 2. NeXus API Reference 3. User Reference 4. Plan to testing and releasing the NeXus API 5. Example files and code
NIAC 2006: Move the entrire NeXus WWW-site to MediaWiki
NIAC 2006: move to and a new WWW-service, abandon european NeXus mirror at and original site at Argonne.
NIAC 2007: Separate repository for base classes and definitions
NIAC 2007: Move to subversion from CVS
NIAC 2007: Move NeXus mailing lists from to
NIAC 2007HMI: Redirect WWW-server to
NIAC 2007HMI: Move metaDTD to schema: NeXus 3.0 will be schema based
NIAC 2008: move to application rather then instrument definitions
NIAC 2008: docbook as the primary format for the NeXus manual. Everything else to be generated from this master
NIAC 2008: wiki to be kept as discussion forum
NIAC 2008??: somewhere after NIAC 2008 the decision was taken to move to NXDL and nxvalidate.
NIAC 2010: Documentation to go under the GNU FDL, example code under the LGPL licence
NIAC 2012??: obviously we decided in some stage to provide the documentation in Restructured Text and use sphinx for generating documents. This, however, I either missed or was not properly recorded.