Telco 20150114
Wednesday, 14th Jan, 12:00 GMT
Hangout Link:
- Welcome
- Invites to this, future of the nexus-tech mailing list
- Wiki
- Jenkins builds of everything
- Next NAPI release
- post issues for items from recent Code Camp and NIAC meeting
- Logo
For discussion:
- Progress on features, NXmx validation
Something is evolving here:
- Letter to detector vendors
- Next meeting
- nexus-tech now open for subscripts, calendar invites will be send
- hangout link should keep working permanently, so there is no need to
generate a new one every time
- a sufficient number of people is administrator on the wiki and can
create accounts from the special pages
- jenkins is building definitions only and publishes to the web site,
it lives at The aim is to have it set
up so that github groups can be used to set up user accounts and
- release by summer would be good, maybe without cmake for Linux. Will
be investigated by Freddie and Eugen
- Tobias volunteered to generate tickets of all action items from the
NIAC meeting in github
- Logo: Tobias does not like purple and is not keen on the existing
font. Mark K would like to keep the existing logo as ported to SVG
by Ben. Pete J finds none of the proposed alternatives sufficiently
different to justify a change. Most like the idea to turn the u in
NeXus into a mu.
- features: not significant progress for discussion
- detector vendors: all to submit contact details, Tobias to publish
draft for next telco
- next meeting will be Telco 20150203
- NoOB