Wednesday, 18th March, 12:00 GMT
Hangout Link: (link updated!)
All images including Logo disappeared
Editing painfully slow
Technical Notes
The hangout link changed, maybe it expires after a while?
There is a limit of 10 people for a video hangout. Audio only works for 150. Blue Jeans (could be provided by APS) would be an alternative. Skype group calls can have 25 people, but are more cumbersome to set up.
Apologies for anyone who tried to join but couldn’t. We try Hangout again. If we get close to 10 (which would be good!) we need to seriously think of another solution.
EW, HJB, FA, MB, PJ, TR, Stefan Brandstaetter, Graeme Winter, Harry
Powell, Andreas Foerster, Takanori Nakane
Harry Powell was disappointed by the lack of crystal orientation
information from an Eiger file we received.
All are in agreement that NXmx was created in order to provide that information.
There was some discussion whether the detector was the correct place to process that information. In the summary the detector is not seen as the ideal device to handle that. We do encourage facilities to write their orientation and other beamline parameters and merge that with the detector generated HDF5 file. However for cases where this does not happen, due to lack of facility software support Dectris will investigate the inclusion of some more sophisticated “mxsettings” for NeXus into their software to allow the beamline to communicate the required information. By default this will write a sensible set of metadata with NaN as values, so people can learn from the detector output even if no data was provided.
We’ll discuss some ideas for a solution soon. Eugen has suggestions.
Thanks to all participants that joined specifically for this section.
Problems resolved. We go with what is currently documented and do not
now enforce the original OO ideas.
Had been updated and paths have changed. Freddie fixed the logo during
the call and has since disabled a plugin that was timing out. So the
speed is back to normal again.
Letter to detector vendors
Content is fine.
TR has no ADSC contact details. Herbert is in contact so, he’ll take that on.
TR to contact Aaron for CSPAD leads.
Next meeting: Telco 20150408 Invites sent out to nexus-tech, Hangout URL will hopefully stay the same