Telco 20151014
Wednesday, 14th October, 17:00 Central European Time (Copenhagen)
Hangout Link:
- Welcome and agree Agenda
- code camp update and plans
- sample container proposal
- recording scan intend proposal
- Generic proposal for spatial and other axes on nD Detectors:
(slowest, slow, fast) – new use cases or ready?
- geometric shapes and operations (mantid/mcstas geometry conversion)
- code (napi) cmake update and release timelime
- CXI update (Mark B) this time with better microphone
- Next meeting
Eugen (only listening), Herbert, Andreas from Dectris, Pete Jemian, Mark
- Andreas brought up some question regrading trigger_delay_time
which resolved into a clarification that the one in NeXus base class
is the hardware trigger_delay_time. A new,
effective_trigger_delay, time in proposed which will sum all
trigger delays, from hardware or software or else.
- As the main players for the other topics on the Agenda were not
present, we discussed the NXvalidate white paper. Many points were
resolved. Mark K will update the white paper with the results of the
discussions shortly. It was felt that it is more important to get
the things done rather then haggle for a long time about the optimal
solution and details.
- The discussion returned to NXmx. Uptake of NeXus/HDF-5 is still
difficult. The problem are the data analysis package maintainers.
Herbert suggested to have a workshop and help them get NeXus
implemented around one of the big crystallographic conferences next
year. Dectris may be supporting this workshop.
- The next Telco is Telco 20151104