Monday, 30th January, 16:30 Brussels Time
Hangout Link:
Present: EW, AB, HJB, MB, MK, TSR
Aaron will have a closer look to make sure this is sane.
No show by Ray. But we agreed moving the wiki out of mediawiki into jekylls hands. Tobias will work with Freddie to extract the content.
Tobias accidentally deleted NXcharacterization in a failed attempt to generate a pull request. No objections.
Herbert invited all interested parties to attend. Mark K suggested it is a fun meeting from the Basel experience. Tobias will attend.
Someone from Diamond will attend the Alba satellite meeting. Mark K supports the idea a few people from the NeXus community should go. He’ll look into that, as will Tobias.
Some of the recent online votes carried a clear majority of the votes cast, but have failed to reach a quorum of votes from the eligible members. The constitution does not see that as a problem explicitly, but it would be nice if that was formally permitted. We’ll bring that up at the next NIAC.
Mark B has an example file for the NXevent_data for interested people to look at: