Telco 20170308


Wednesday, 8th March, 16:30 Central European Summer Time (Copenhagen)

Hangout Link:



Present: MK, TSR, AB, AF, HJB, PJ

Website Move

No issues reported, no strong desire to keep user pages. They will be removed and can be reinstated by pull requests from the individuals if they so wish.

Triplicated Minutes

Decision was to keep them in the website repo only. Remaining copies will be deleted.

Dectris Items


Aaron had some questions to the use of the new and improved NXlog. There was some discussion around the expected chronological order in there. There was some agreement that sorting cannot always be guaranteed, but no random ordering should be allowed.

The also have the intention of storing data that could lend itself to using ragged arrays. That is not something perceived to be simple to get right. Aaron will prepare some example and email that around for comments.

Next Meeting

Telco 20170322