Telco 20170725
Tuesday, 25 July, 16:30 CEST (+0200)
Hangout Link:
- Welcome and agree Agenda
- Github issue of the day - suggestions welcome (use telco github label)
- Code Camp or similar activity in 2017
- Update on current projects
- NXreflections - ragged arrays?
- multiple samples in one NXenty
- Github HDF5 filters repo
- PDB Group in NeXus
- Next meeting
Present: AB, HJB, MK, FAA, TSR
Github Issues
- [consistent documentation for flexible names][] commented on the issue
- relative_molecular_mass will not be renanmed, agreement on the closure of the pull request
Code Camp 2017
No update from the potential hosts
Project Updates
NXreflections & multiple NXsample
No update, will be available in 4 weeks time
external HDF5 filters and C++ API for HDF5
Good progress on both fronts (EW emailed update)
PDB data inclusion
Agreement that a NXPDB or PDB group should be used to wholesale import everything the PDB has to offer. Validation would occur only via the transliteration routine.
Next Meeting
Telco 20170808