Wednesday, 2 May, 16:30 CEST (+0200)
Hangout Link:
Present: HJB, MK, TSR, AB
People in Jülich have created a script that generates an example file. This has been posted to the NeXus mailing list with a doodle poll to discuss things further. All are invited to participate in the poll and the following Hangout call.
We should aim to release soon, even if a good number of tickets are still outstanding. At this point we only consider tickets that have code committed against them or that are required for the release procedure are. TSR to move all tickets to a new milestone. PJ can decide if there are show stoppers for the release process that need to be included.
Removed the NXdata suggestion from the milestone and dropped the Telco tag.
Unfortunately no one joined from BNL and the dates are not yet set. NOBUGS planning for themes is in progress, though. For the moment we wait until dates for the main conference and satellite meetings are set and decide then.
Brief discussion on whether we should hold a training session like we used to until (including) NOBUGS 2012. A lot of emphasis was on writing application definitions from scratch and using NAPI. Neither are good topics for beginners today.
We will submit a presentation to the main programme of NOBUGS to keep advertising us and HDF5, obviously.