Telco 20211115
Monday, 15th November, 14:00 UTC
- Welcome new members
- Review previous meeting minutes and actions: September Telco
- Recent issues on Github (especially those labelled with “telco”)
PC presented proposal for describing a ROI in issue #944
- BW asks about representing a different use case where the “parent” dataset is not recorded (e.g. the detector output is limited to a subset of pixels and only this subset is recorded).
- MK asks if this really belongs in NXdetector since it looks more like processed data than raw data
- Would be better to be described more generally than only as a child of NXdetector
BW describes discussions with Dectris about issue #940 (summary)
- RO likes restricting data variable labels to NX_NUMBER but is not opposed to issue #945
- Different types of link are already allowed and their target can be discovered in HDF5. Perhaps we need to document and advertise which calls can/should be used
Draft application definition for XPCS
- MK thinks that the variables are not very descriptive (e.g. g2), but PC says that it is standard nomenclature in the field
- the scripts from RB could be useful to illustrate the structure of a proposed application definition
- BW suggests that the scripts from RB could be added to the nexus_format package to make it more easily available to people planning new application definitions
- RB will try to make his script more resilient against minor issues often found in contributed application definitions
Should we have another virtual NIAC in Spring 2022? There are plans for a hybrid NOBUGS in Autumn 2022.
BW suggests encouraging more discussion on github before starting video discussions so that we can be more time-efficient.
Next meeting in mid December