Telco 20240515
Wednesday, 15th May, 15:00 UTC
- issues
- contributed defintions
AB, SB, HB, BW, RB, PJ, WdN, RO, PC, FS, CZ, BB, PM + Arnold Paecklar (ILL)
- NOBUGS - registration is open; NIAC meeting attendence needs registration only for in person participation
- NIAC2024 webpage: AB starts putting it up, WdN will finalise
- schedule: similar to that of 2022
- NXstress -
- WdN: easystress consortium is proposing it:
analysis: diffraction data / ToF / … -> peak fit -> reflection -> strain -> stress (geometry is important)
beam intensity_profile: is specialised NXbeam
- AB/AP: description of the scientific use case
- RO: why peak parameters are inside NXdata
- WdN: plotable, but not necessary has to be NXdata
- SB: please note our coming proposal:
- RO: there is also a convention to map lmfit parameters inside NXprocess
- WdN: fit results for all peaks
- SB: we should talk to see if we can align with our NXpeak. Layout is nice that it does not suggest a group for each peak
- PJ: peak parameters could be described by NXparameters
- SB: NXcollection: it is not validated
- PJ: use NXparameters instead. Note that /NXparameters/term should be TERM (and NX_ANY not NX_CHAR)
- AB: let us set up a PR. Who can review?
- SB: I can represent FAIRmat developpers
- Contributed definitions -
- BW: non-fairmat contributions are collected
NXcxi_ptycho: simplistic, but responds to community need -> AB: should go to a PR for standardisation
NXcontainer: does not seem to be able to properly describe the use case -> AB: also with others: let us assign proposers for better book-keeping and be able to assign responsibles and ownership
- SB: FAIRmat deinfitions are collected (2 groups: to be standardised; keep in incubation) -> AB: make a project for those we want to put into the PR for Sept. Let us assign reviewers, so we can prepare the PR early enough.
June Telco
Please help to choose the date by responding to the poll by June 7. We are planning to hold the telco in the regular slot of UTC 15:00. Check your local time to avoid scheduling surprises!