Telco 20240626
Wednesday, 26th Jun, 15:00 UTC
- issues
- contributed defintions
AB, SB, HB, RB, WdN, FS, PC, BW, HG, LG, BB, PM, TM + Arnold Paecklar (ILL)
- NXstress for stress and strain analysis
- WdN: proposal to accept it as contributed
- WdN: for hotel bookings
- AB: ambiguity with having multiple NXnotes shall be guaranteed
- SB: CALIBRATION(NXnote) and notes(NXnote) are OK, only a data item called “notes” will be assigned to “notes”, and all other data objects named differently will be assigned to CALIBRATION and can have calibration_type also attached.
- BW: calibration_type could be enumeration or examples in doc string
- NIAC2024
- AB: schedule for sessions is prepared
- NXdata
- PC: issue #1381 NXdata/AXES can now have multiple axes assigned to the same dimension. Is it OK?
- SB: note that also the order of items in @axes was linked to the dimensions of the DATA.
@AXISNAME_indices are now defining which axes belong to which dimensions.
- PC: we could keep restricting @axes to list the default axes for the DATA, and alternative axes could be collected from @AXISNAME_indices
- AB: let us make a PR so it can be reviewed.
- standardisation of contributed definitions
- Projects
- AB: Project is organised with issues for each non-FAIRmat contributions (Project#4). Let us take an issue and review them! Issues have been distributed for review…
- Organisation
- AB: Number of base classes and AppDefs are increasing. We need a better organisation rather than having a flat list. AppDef could be according to experiment types
- PM: AppDef organisation according to experiment technique could use categories from PaNET ontology.
- AB: Base Classes are tricky. Maybe according to usage, like from most common to less used.
- PC: general definitions shall be on top, specific ones could be groupped
- PM: maybe tags and filters could be introduced
- HB: we miss keywords as manually curated list of topics foreach the definitions
- acknowleding fundings
- PM: is funding contribution acknowledged?
- AB: on the webpage we have place for it, but we have not used it a lot
- PM: we could acknowledge FAIRmat for recent contribution
July Telco
Please help to choose the date by responding to the poll by . We are planning to hold the telco in the regular slot of UTC 15:00. Check your local time to avoid scheduling surprises!