XESraw is a draft example of a X-Ray Experimental (Synchrotron) raw Nexus file.
It is basically a simple scanning format with a few manditory items (mainly NXsource - in order to indicate the originating facility). The variables being scanned are inferred from the links for the ‘axis data’ within the NXdata class(es). For this example they have been shown to point to values within NXpositioner classes (which will probably be the case for most scan variables in a synchrotron experiment), but they counld as easily refer to another place within the NXinstrument hierarchy.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
URL: http://www.nexus.anl.gov/
Editor: Stuart Campbell, DLS
Draft example of a X-Ray Experimental (Synchrotron) raw Nexus file.
<NXentry name="Entry1">
<title>"Example Data File"</title>
<NXinstrument name="I18">
<NXsource name="source">
<name>"Diamond Light Source"</name>
<type>"Synchrotron X-ray Source"</type>
<NXpositioner name="sampleX">
<sampleX>[3001.0, 3002.0, 3003.0]</value>
<NXpositioner name="time">
<time>[1.22, 2.34, 3.53]</time>
<NXdetector name="detector1">
<description>"Ortec C-TRAIN"</description>
<type>"Counter Timer"</type>
<data>[203.0, 245.0, 233.0]</data>
<NXdetector name="detector2">
<description>"Quantum 315"</description>
{a data array with dimensions[3, nx, ny]}
<NXdata name="detector1">
<data>{Link to detector1 counts}</data>
<sampleX axis="1" primary="1">
{Link to values in NXpositioner}
<time axis="1" primary="2">
{Link to values in NXpositioner}
<NXdata name="detector2">
<data>{Link to detector2 counts}</data>
<sampleX axis="1" primary="1">
{Link to values in NXpositioner}
<time axis="1" primary="2">
{Link to values in NXpositioner}