Telco 20150617


Wednesday, 17th June, 12:00 BST

Hangout Link:


   Fluo : NXdetector
       @signal = data
       @axes = (,,,energy)
       @energy_indices = (3)
           @interpretation = spectrum
           @units = keV


Present: MK, MB, EW, HJB, TSR, AF (Dectris, from holiday!)

NXmx, fill values

This started from an Dectris Eiger problem of having to write fields without knowing values. Those are them meant to be filled in by beamline acquisition system. Since as far as NeXus is concerned a fully populated file should leave the facility, this is nothing we have a strong opinion about. Writing an empty array (dimension 0) would work.

NXmx, shutterless

All resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.

NXmx, relative depends_on path

Not deemed required, for the moment.

Documentation, detector pixel origin

Eugen volunteered to have a look at this. Potentially including detector modules and related “new” areas.

Documentation, general review of tickets

Quite a number of tickets are open on the definitions repository, some of them very old. A good number of them could potentially be closed. Looking through them and at least commenting would help the next person make a decision. Action on all.

Plans for Code Camp an future

Eugen will advertise Code Camp on the mailing list shortly. Please have a think about ideas to tackle there and what we need to do strategically. Ideas so far include validation, NAPI, features.

example file repository

Is in need of new files. This would help developers to find bugs in their code and develop common data extraction methods. Maybe a github repo is not the best choice, for data size reasons. Might investigate at the code camp.

Next meeting will be Telco 20150630


Mark Basham suggests a scheme to attribute detector axes (like for an energy dispersive detector) analogue to NXdata. Not all detector must have an NXdata, otherwise that could be used directly. MK asserts that this looks good and we certainly should not have two schemes (NXdata vs NXdetector) to assign axes. Will revisit that at next telco.