Telco 20170823
Wednesday, 23 August, 16:30 CEST (+0200)
Hangout Link:
- Welcome and agree Agenda
- Github issue of the day - suggestions welcome (use telco github label)
- Code Camp 2017
- Features
- Shapes
- Versioning
- Update on current projects
- NXreflections - ragged arrays?
- multiple samples in one NXenty
- Github HDF5 filters repo
- Next meeting
Present: Herbert Bernstein, Eugen Wintersberger, Aaron Brewster, Mark Basham, Mark Koennecke
We discussed the upcoming code camp:
- Mark Basham has booked us into Coseners House in Abingdon. The dates have to be October, 24-26 2017 because Coseners is booked otherwise. Details will be finalised and he will send an email to the NeXus mailing list once that is done. He expects this to happen before the end of the week.
- In addition to the topics stated above, there were more suggestions:
- NXpdb
- Mark K wants to work at the issues on cnxvalidate as discussed at the last meeting
Regarding the pending projects:
- No news on NXreflections
- Multiple samples in one entry: Aaron will provide an example file for review in the nexus_examples repository.
- Github HDF5 filters repo: Eugen has worked on this and this is now 75% complete. There is still some cleaning up to do. Herbert insisted on one particularly difficult filter, the blosc. It is difficult because this filter uses a library with many dependencies. Which handle reasonable well under linx but less so on windows. Testing on OSX is also still pending as Eugen has no access to an OSX installation.
There were no AOBs.
Next Meeting
Telco 20170912