Tuesday, 12 September, 16:30 CEST (+0200)
Hangout Link: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/j72qwlvegiojjpt3a36pfhow5ua
Present: RO, EW, AB, TSR
There were some problems joining the telco. Aaron had to approve the participants. Hope that doesn’t happen next time.
One merged. NXdetector documentation deferred to the code camp. NXevent_data also lacks the scaling; pull request will be revised.
Reflections: No update. We’ll wait for feedback from LCLS.
We did discuss the different use cases of multiple samples. Either as result of processing or of the fact that the experimental setup doesn’t allow the data to be split between different samples, due to unknown shape or timing. Aaron put a pull request out with an example for processed data. Could be discussed at the code camp.