Telco 20200424
Friday, 24 April, 15:00 CET (+0100)
Hangout Link:
Present: BW, AB, FA, HG, HB, MK, PJ, PC
- NOBUGS registration is split into separate days for the code camp
- linking not yet
- spacing for SD is fine
- need to make sure teleconferencing is adequate
Pull Request #767
- AB notes PR #767 is ready for final review.
- PJ notes that travis-ci reports a failure (reST syntax encoded within XML).
Issue #748
- NXreflections describes diffraction spots in a tabular format, having evolved from historical practice of attributing and recording diffraction spots from film-based photographs.
- it is a base class and not an appdef (currently)
- Both versions (base class and AppDef) have use cases.
- An Appdef should be written that has NXreflections as a major component so that it can be used together with NXmx
AB brings up related Pull Request #767
Issue #765
- best to mark radiation as deprecated
- PJ to discuss with canSAS people
Issue #762
- user def keys should be negative
- extra (or subgroup of fields) fields (NXnotes) needed to describe user def keys
- Need stadardised name for description
- any new positive key should be NIAC approved
AB asks MK: base classes can’t be a subentry?
- subentries must be AppDef
- entries can also be AppDef
Issue #757
- HB suggests doing what the PDB community does and have a list of registered prefixes
- starting with an underscore didn’t work out for PDB
- NIAC should grant power for approving prefix registration
- BW suggests prefixes be in uppercase to make them obvious to human readers
- PJ suggests prefixes be followed by an underscore
- PJ will post new issue with proposal for the NIAC
Any Other Business
- PC asks NXuser for a group of users
- MK suggests using multiple instances of NXuser
- PC ask: is there a way to give numerical precision?
- should be applicable to any general field
- Outside of current scope - someone needs to propose a method - perhaps as an attribute
- HG asks: How has NeXus been approaching ontologies and mapping metadata betwen formats
- NeXus predates much of the current academic interest in ontologies
- PJ suggests talking to a group at the ALS
- PJ asks if there is a general Ontology that NeXus can fit within
- HG says that ontologies tend to sit next to each other as peers, rather than under an umbrella ontology
- PJ points to the index of the NeXus definitions as a starting point to mapping the NeXus ontology
- HG will create new GitHub issue for a published NeXus ontology
- PJ proposed using information from the manual’s index as a starting point
- PJ noted that various items of NeXus structure (group, field, attribute) are automatically indexed
- MK noted that position in hierarchy is important since some terms (such as
) have multiple meanings
- ontology should include
- NeXus class path to specify hierachy position
- documentation content from the NXDL for each item listed
Next telco: Mid May, using a poll in the same manner as previously.