NIAC2014 CodeCamp
The code camp allows existing NeXus developers to meet and work together
on developing software or resolving particular NeXus design issues.
See NIAC2014 for administrative details about
this meeting.
Planned Schedule (subject to change)

Topics to be Considered
A subset will be chosen on the first day of the meeting.
Walk through
- Issues posted
on the NeXus GitHub repository
- Proposals and other topics listed on the
Discussions page
- Close issues that are of minor importance and not of particular
concern to anybody and not likely to be resolved any soon.
Choose topics from the preliminary list below:
- Procedural questions:
- How to organize proposals and discussions
- How to remove ballast, when to break compatibility, versioning
and validation
- Fundamental design issues:
- Class specifications:
- NXformula?
- NXdata: Assigning axes to data once more again
- Prepare contributed definitions for ratification
- Work on software:
- validation tools (nxvalidate or NXvalidate): state (cf
further development, WWW service, use of NeXpy/Python-API for
- New NAPI release?
- #230:
use cmake to build Sphinx documentation
- Finish support for attribute arrays (who proposed this? please
provide details!)
- Off-site excursion to -tba-
9:00-10:00 |
Review |
Short procedural |
NAPI issues |
10:00-10:30 |
Coffee |
Coffee |
Coffee |
10:30-12:00 |
Error |
Telco with DECTRIS |
12:00-13:00 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
13:00-15:00 |
NXmx etc |
nexpy |
HDF-5 talk |
15-15:30 |
Coffee |
Coffee |
Coffee |
15:30-18:00 |
when time smaller issues |
Reprioritise for last day
Lightweight tags and interfaces |
- teleconference with Dectris: 10:30 AM
for end of day review
- public talk: Current State of HDF5, Elena Pourmal, The HDF Group,
location: 401/A1100